Music My Life
Gitaris 2008
12/11/2008 14:05Gitaris Surabaya Pimpin Jumlah Pemilih Terbanyak Kompetisi Shredder Internasional
One of the world's leading brand guitar some time ago started looking for candidates shredder future through a competition given the name Shredder Search. This place is held in order to get the most suitable guitarist to be one of the icon products. After the competition, scrolling, there was an interesting event. One contestant original inhabitants of Surabaya, successful ranked first the most number of voters. Wow!
Contestant named Puguh is far superior than any other candidate in this constituency. However, he still must compete with over 15 participants in the number of ratings. Apparently haired guitarist nyentrik rating had fallen quite dramatically. In less than a week ago, he still ranked in the Top 5.
But we can still be proud, because the video action with the shredding style ala Chris Impellitteri shown in the Puguh rating and the number of voter has successfully surpass guitarist-guitarist top 10 Guitar Idol competition in 2008 as Matt Rach, Chris Feener, Angel Ruiz, Rodrigo Zapata, Carlo Bardoli, Benjamin Teacher, Mark Playle, Gustavo In Padua, Vistor de Andres, and Muris Varajic.
However, in the heart of this delightful, a few days ago Gitaris.com receive email from the committee Shredder Search on accusations of underhanded tricks are done by one or several participants in order to encourage ratingnya. Although it was not pointing exactly who the person concerned, but with the difference between the number of voter who terpaut far, namely 10,000, with the rank underneath, like this also alleged injustice to one of the original candidate of Indonesia? Hopefully not.
Just information, two members of the Gitaris.com Ray Askobar and Nonuz also follow this competition. You may also want to choose them?